SNAP is a prime contractor for the Army's Fires Center of Excellence (FCoE) contract. We provide training and support services for the 6th Air Defense Artillery Birgade (ADA) Army Captain's Career Course (CCC). The current contract term is for one four-year base periods which began upon award in September 2001. SNAP's contract number is: W911SO-10-D-0019-002, contract value at $853,912

Contract Scope

FCoE requires expertise, management, and delivery of training and support of the ADA Captain’s Career Course. Our experts provide support in the areas of Concepts and Capabilities, Training Development, Doctrine Development, Organizational Development, Instructor and Training, Simulation, Evaluation, and Information Technology Support. Our instructors provide briefing support of the CCC to the Pre Command Course (PCC), instruction to Captains for the CCC, provide CCC updates to the 6th ADA Brigade regarding CCC developments/updates, maintain oversight of PCC and ADA Officer Reclassification presentations, and augments instruction development and briefing presentations to PCCs and Reclassification Courses.