Air Force CAAS IV

The Contracted Advisory and Assistance Services (CAAS IV) program, a $4.7B program managed by Air Combat Command (ACC) Acquisition Management and Integration Center (AMIC), is a strategic initiative entered into with Air Force District of Washington Contracting Division (AFDW/A7K). ACC AMIC supports Headquarters (HQ) ACC mission requirements, and AFDW/A7K supports HQAir Force (HAF), Secretary of the Air Force (SAF) organizations, the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), and AFDW/A1 through A9 mission requirements. HQ ACC is the primary force provider of combat airpower to America's war fighting commands. ACC operates fighter, bomber, reconnaissance, battle-management, and electronic-combat aircraft. ACC also provides command, control and communications systems, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems and conducts global information operations.