SNAP is one of three small businesses awarded the GSA EDIM BPA in support of GSA’s Data to Decisions (D2D) Platform. The requirement is to acquire integrated and specialized IT services and products that will allow utilization of established and emerging best practices in the areas of Enterprise Data and Information Management to support the GSA Office of Chief Information Officer (OCIO) with the D2D Platform as a Service (PaaS) environment. The D2D design integrates state-of-the art COTS and open-source products, customized for government-wide use and enabling the agencies to operate within the proper information governance controls. The platform allows the agencies to utilize analytics and reporting capabilities for both an internal staging and external vetting service accessing an enhanced set of analytic artifacts in a controlled discoverable repository. The PaaS will host various agency-centric domains and interagency data marts, providing logical data warehousing, Analytics as a Service, process-driven data collection, customizable workflows, enterprise information management, enterprise content management, and a suite of integration services. In addition, GSA will utilize these IT services to support its client agencies in order to advance data analytics for making business decisions, as well as implement the automation of OMB-mandated requirements. This BPA provides a unique set of solutions not available elsewhere, and is designed to improve GSA’s Government presence. The three functional areas SNAP will support include: Development, Modernization and Enhancements (DM&E), Operations and Maintenance, and Training /Help Desk Services.

Contract Details
Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) Number ID09150011
Period of Performance 1/2015 – 1/2020
GSA Contract POC Glenda Sorger
Technology Project Manager
Assisted Acquisition Services (AAS)
General Services Administration (GSA)
P: (541) 548-8771
Scope of Services
  • Development, Modernization and Enhancements (DM&E)
  • Operations and Maintenance
  • Training /Help Desk Services