The USSTRATCOM Systems and Missions Support (USAMS) contract supports all missions and requirements of USSTRATCOM. The USAMS contract is primarily an advisory and assistance services (A&AS) contract with a secondary function of acquiring limited non-advisory and assistance services (non-A&AS) and is valued at $800M. A&AS support primarily comprises three major categories of services: Management, Operational and Professional Support Services; Studies, Analyses, and Evaluations; and Engineering and Technical Services. Non-A&AS support primarily covers operations and maintenance services for Information Technology and Telecom Services.

Support includes all USSTRATCOM-related systems such as: the Integrated Strategic Planning and Analysis Network (ISPAN); USSTRATCOM Command and Control (C2) systems; Command infrastructure; common-user and dedicated satellite control networks; the Space Surveillance Network; Missile Warning systems; current and future operational spacecraft programs; National/Ballistic Missile Defense Systems; Computer Network Defense, Exploitation and Attack (CND/E/A); current and future commercial programs; a family of tactical space systems; national space systems; distributive C2 nodes/networks; and space launch vehicles to include new generation expendable and reusable launch vehicles and the overall integration of the various mission areas concept of operations. The USAMS effort also addresses intelligence, intelligence-related, counterintelligence (CI), and information assurance systems.